It’s a lovely rainy day in Cape Town today – odd for summer, but not for Cape Town :p (4 seasons in a day! haha) Anyhoo, with the rain comes boredom for most dogs. Shakti absolutely abhores wet weather and she won’t even go out for a wee! Shiva is not bothered too much, but it means that when it rains, we can’t really do outside games or walks as Shakti just wont. So we have found some enrichment games, and have posted about some of these dog enrichment games previously – but today we tried a new one. Super simple & easy for all pet-parents 🙂
The Toilet Roll Fold-overÂ
…That’s what I’m calling it anyway 😀
I’ve saved up some toilet roll holders (so many games to do with empty toilet roll holders!) and it’s so easy and simple. Decide on the treats you’d like to put inside (remember to make this part of their daily food allowance).
I used some treats (biltong snap-stix, treat bones, origin treats) mixed with literally two food pellets.
Take toilet roll and fold in one side, then the opposite side (on same side) and then the two sides on each side.
Put treats inside, and fold in the other end of the roll the same as above. And you’re good to go!
It was the first time I gave Shiva & Shakti this game. The usual toilet or paper towel holder games I punch holes in, close up the sides and then it becomes “pushing game” as I call it – where they have to push the roll with their nose until treats fall out. This one is meant to be very similar – but as you’ll see from the video below, Shiva first thought it was the push-push game (so cute!). It took him a second (and mom’s help) to figure out this one, but he eventually got it! Next time I’m sure will be a lot easier. The game took a total of like 5 minutes – but one can increase the difficulty (and not help) to make it last longer.
After he got the treats out, he shredded the rest of it. Another great game if you’re not too appalled by the mess and having to find & pick-up a thousand pieces of cardboard 😛
What do you do for rainy days? Share below or on the Holidawgs FB page!
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